Saturday, October 21, 2006
Why don't i feel loved enough.
12:31 am
Sunday, October 15, 2006

I realise this is not very recent, but haha, HU CARES!!! This is us, on our ant-canning/tree-climbing/wedding couple-chasing/leaf tsunami picnic...

i like this convo, said when xinyi kept using tuna cans to kill ants that were bugging us...excerpts:
Me: Can u can that ant?
7:30 pm
I HAVE SEEN VIVO!! Oh man, is it huge.
Anw HAPPY BDAE, YANGHONG!! (doubt u'll see this tho haha, but it's e thought that counts)Yeah, so me and wai were supp to meet an hour before e meeting time so we cld hunt for a bdae prezzie for our darling senior. I was late, paiseh, so in e end, we had abt 20mins to chiong! We ran around the whole place like morons, jz trying to cover as much ground as possible, but nothing seemed like the perfect gift.
So guess what. We ended up racing over to HARBOURFRONT to buy her flowers. HOW LAME!!! And u wld think vivo wld have enuf shops to satisfy our needs right? Diao!
Oh and cos we were so tired after running arnd, we went up to the rooftop to rest. It is damn pretty!! And cos it was at night, there was this really cosy atmosphere to it. And wai kept going "How romantic!". I wonder if anyone thought we were lesbos, cos u noe, she was saying that and holding a bouquet of flowers. Hahahha.
The bdae dinner with our seniors was sweet. Really great to see them again :) We made a pact to invite each other to our weddings haha..see how foward-looking we are?
Anw, my condolences to Weishan. You'll be in my prayers tonight...Hugs.
7:11 pm
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Oh gee i'm so sleepy...but then...TODAY IS FAREWELL ASSEMBLY!!! So must blog abt it before i forget anything abt it hahahah!
Do u noe that i woke up this morning just for it?? So must be an extra special day right? Well, it was cool, with the teachers performing and the class photo-taking and stuff. Do u noe, i really laffed DAMN hard during the dancing thing...OMG, that is psycho. The whole thing was just SOOOOO WIERD!!! The costumes, and the moves and SERIOUSLY, what's with the sieve-like accessory?! Anw, i wanted to tear a bit when the teachers started talking abt love, cos i suddenly felt like they really loved us at that moment.
Okay, i kopped pics off samme's blog...

We all look happy! Rare, cos shawn smiles like once in a blue moon
The best chem tutor, the chong-ster!!!

Samme, carol and me

Just us :)

Our wonderful CT, ms wong! :D

Can u see the word?? It's "JAW"! It's our little secret muahaha

2 cliques tgt!

Javier and me

another 2 cliques tgt! (minus jesmine, dunno where she went)

Me, kai and samme

Okay okay this is damn funny! We were trying to do those olden days family portrait where everyone looks stern..but then i shouted "Don't smile!!" at e last minute, so half e class still ended up smiling. Anw check out Javier's face wahhahaha!

Take two. Success eh?

And last but not least...e best piccy of e day! Don't u think we kinda formed a heart shape??? And totally not on purpose!! So i guess we must love each other in some way huh.
1:44 am
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I fell down the double-decker bus yesterday.
You noe, the bloody spiral staircase?? Yes, that's the cause of my embarrassement and TOTAL shame. Oh, it's la raison for my dark purple bruises and abrasions too. (I wish i could add lacerations to the list, so i have a reason to sue the SBS driver ahahahah...)
SEE LAH, ALL BEGUM'S FAULT!!! She, the idiot woman, wanted to get down to the first level landing even tho the bus was like a million lightyears away from the bustop!!! Then i'm carrying 5 tys-like books in my arms, so i cant really hold on to railings and im top-heavy (i mean, due to the books arh haha). So when the bus braked for i dunno what reason, im so obviously weighted to fall forward right?!?!?!?!
You noe, when a guy proposes to a girl in the movies, he gets down on one knee and the other is at a 90 degree angle. I was kinda proposing to the man hu was at the bus doors waiting to get off. Let's left knee was somewhere on the 2nd top step, and my right leg was stretched all the way down to the sure he was amazed by the 'lengths' i went to just to surprise him with a proposal. So all he could say in his stunned state was...."Are you urm, okay??" TSSSKKKKK!!!!!
Very pain leh. And all we could do was to rush out of the bus and act as cool as we could. Begum wasn't looking too cool tho, cos she was laughing and snorting unlike me. Cool as a cucumber. Leeling said afterwards, " Must you always make an impression wherever you go??" Well, let's just say i like to leave places with a bang. hahahaaaaaaaa...
2:39 pm
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Ms Wong screened a show tdae, and she said "it's going to change your lives". Woah, so drama mama rite. So i was thinking maybe a documentary about scientific discovery of life on Mars, or perhaps one revealing staggering evidence about religion.
It was about a Jewish man who courts an Italian woman and finally marries her to have a kid. The courtship lasted for the first half of the show and is DAMN funny..he is sucha sweet man) But then the second half of the show gets very dark, cos the Holocaust begins and they get sent to a concentration camp. The mom gets seperated from husband and child cos of gender, so the man has to protect his boy by hiding him from the Nazi soldiers in the camp. Then cos he didn't want his son to be frightened, he made up a story that the whole thing was a game of hide-and-seek and to win, the son had to stay hidden from the baddies. The man is damn damn damn damn damn damn damn sweet...omgosh...the sacrifices he made...sigh! I dun wanna tell u the ending, cos it will spoil the show.
WA LAO.....and i noe the ending of Grey's Anatomy and the winner of America's Next top model already...TSSSKKK. Thank you, javier...u sure noe how to keep me in suspense. Hmpph.
I shall buy the Holocaust DVD: it's called "Life is Beautiful". You should too!!!
Anw, i don't exactly see how it changes my life leh. A bit anticlimax hurhur. Nvm it's a good show and very touching. I shall bestow a Oscar award upon it (not that i have the authority but who cares), if it doesn't already have one.
I've been to school twice in a row this week! Woohoo! I like school i like school i like school!! *grin*
8:17 pm