Sunday, February 26, 2006
I'm hooked onto online auctions. Really addicted...Oh nonono, that's shit cos BTs are so near. It's not just to buying, it's the selling too. Gosh think of the money i could make if i quit school and started doing this full-time.
I feel like im gonna get a "brother-in-law" soon. Just a feeling, and oh well, i'm cool with it. I think.
Guys have an easier life. I want to be a guy :(:(:( Minus the NS.
I like this song: One last cry by BrIAn Mcknight. Kevin from American Idol sang it soooooo beautifully. Anw it's brIAn mcknight, but i kept typing brAIn mcknight when i googled it. No wonder i could never find any links to d/l it.
Did i mention i wanna be a guy?????? SIGHHHHHHH.
2:25 pm
Friday, February 24, 2006
I am so annoyed!!!!! There is sumthin wrong with my brain!! I saw people celebrating his birthday, and i felt so shitty. I am a USELESS PATHETIC SOD. Gah!!! I am the soppiest person alive.
Let me elaborate: Yest, we got to the cafe and plonked our bags down at a table and went off to buy food. Note--WE SAT AT THE TABLE FIRST. Then Jes got her nasi lemak really fast so she went back to the table and waited for Samme and me to get back. When we did, I kinda froze cos i saw GT sitting at the next/adjacent/really nearby table and TOTALLY REFUSED to sit there. I shlda known he wld be there cos that's like his group's usual place. WHYWHYWHY was i embarrassed..and WHAT abt?! The next day i saw a buncha pple celebrating his bdae and i kept looking over. STUPID ME. What FOR??!! Then he happened to walk past and i made eye-contact for abt 2seconds. OMG, i wanted to die on the spot. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...i am trying to not admit it but, i think MAYBE i still kinda have a TEENSY-WEENSY ULTRA-MINI thing fer him.
Dont you think i'm very faithful?? Since last year, u noe.
And the SHIT thing is, i really hate myself for making the situation turn out the way it is now. Somehow i just clam up if i like someone...even Samme said i totally shut up when he was arnd me. I can't help it ____________________________________________________________________________________
Anw that shldnt be the main thing here..i just mulled over it cos me and her happened to talk abt it over tau huee (how to spell) the other time.
OKAY, tdae was first class outing day and that's a BIG deal kays. Considering this is our 2nd year tgt, aiyoh. How slow. But nvm, we're getting there. We were supp to watch this "scary" film (final destination3) but it turns out that it's just GORY. Not scary, just gross. Blood and brains and guts on the floor kinda shit. I was sitting btwn weishan and javier, good, cos i thot i cld cuddle up to shanie when i got scared and javier wld prb give me a safe feeling (since guys are supp to be immune to horror.) Then shanie cldnt take it and left (ARGHH!), oh man oh man. So me and jav just kept gg "oh freak! ouchouchouch" and leaning against each other when it got gruesome. He's SUPPOSED to be BRAVE!!!! (kiddingkidding) And i spilt his entire upsized n almost un-drunk sprite, so sorry :(
THen since FD3 wasnt scary enuf, some of us went back to watch "the fog". IT IS NOT SCARY. DONT GO ON FRIDAY/SAT/SUN to watch either movie cos ur wasting $8 on a stupid show. Seriously. So we spent $16 and didn't get value for money, man! TSKified.
The girls found a new way to take neoprints without paying. Use ur handphone and point it at the camera while u smart right!!! Here's some i took from andrea, so funny!

11:06 pm
Monday, February 20, 2006
I am so happy with my tution teachers at the moment, really i am. No matter how much Jamie says i complain abt them...i actually think they're a BIG help. Anw i dn really complain that much wad, hmph. Now i'm left with a hawaiian surfer dude-lookalike and a nice, totally sweet teacher. I'm glad wai and i fired the old geezer. Come to think abt it, i shld just quit school and be home-schooled...prob end up doing better.
Why am i always late for school? whywhywhywhywhy. I shld just go makan at the hawker centre since i'm not going to make it in time anw.
I feel like sucha mean bean. I shlda just been a good samaritan and given it up. That's what happens when u try to act nice, sarah. aiyaraiyar, i'm on a guilt trip now, i'll return by tmr.
I dn CARE abt that..that...that (how to say)..that BAI CHI anymore. I shall heck care and be on my lovely way. Such a hindrance sometimes. Oh sorry, let me rephrase...ALL THE TIME.
I completed 2.4km (or is it a million km) today!! woohoo!! Okay altho it's not very fast, i still got 15:39..not bad rite?? Considering i haven't been doing PE in ages.
I have so much homework and what am i doing?? Online shit. TSK.
Oh nonono, i still feel like a mean mean bean.
5:28 pm
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
i watched her tdae and i wanted to kill her. ohmygoodness, if there is one person who can turn me into a friggin murderer, it's so gonna be her. and guess what? noone will ever guess, cos it'll sound so unexpected. i don't wanna talk to her anymore..ANYMORE. Stupid stupid fucking facade.
anw after school tdae, i went to one of the CASB's house to chill. After the renovation, the place is DAMN HIGH TECH. U gotta use fingerprint sensors to get in the front door, switch on the lights yada yada...and to think i almost set off the alarm just by leaning on the door. Haha it's funny. Anw, your cooking rocks!! Cream of green pea is so yum!!! Thank God for you, darling.
I got a bit pissed off today in school, cos of that BLOODY GIRL. i totally gotta get it off my mind now...she is really driving me insane. It wasn't always like that. GAHHHHHHH!!!! anw i kinda feel bad cos im not saying her name...i admit, i am a coward. So sue me. Okayokay so it's not totally her fault, but i was seriously hurt today..omg what am i rambling on abt??? Oh heck it, i dn wanna bother alr. It's not hu you think it is, btw.
I love Jamie for saying she'd share her balloon, i really do :):)
I love Lin for her green pea soup :):)
I love Jude Law for his complete suaveness :):)
I love the pretty roses :):)
Happy valentine's everybody!
8:54 pm
Friday, February 10, 2006
heyhey, gues who's back????? *singsong tone* Actually i'm just gg to continue blogging, but like once in a blue moon. cos this yr is friggin serious. A LEVELS, BABEH.
what's gg thru my mind now:
mr tan says "there's zero advantage is taking 4 subs". Oh shit, that is kinda true...but my dad says NO.
Why am i flunking so much??? Makes me pissed and leaves me TOTALLY demoralised.
Should i keep my hair long???
WHat am i gg to do when i go to uni? (i'm having a mid-life crisis at the quater-age of my life)
Im freaked out by her!!! Oh no oh no. She had sucha confused-annoyed stare...aiyar, maybe im paranoid. Shall keep my distance.
Have you seen My Flat in London?? I think it's pretty. Look at this one:

It's called Ballet Monkey :):):)
Why are friggin v-day present so friggin HARD to friggin find? Anw, i got an inspiration from a bustop billboard tdae, but i'm not sure if it'll be too flimsy. HECK, i shant care. I mean, it's the thought that counts right??? GAH.
Okay, bye for like another blue moon then :)
8:31 pm