Monday, October 31, 2005

YAY!!! Happy bdae to moi, happy bdae to moi... Thanks everybadeh, it's been grrr-eat!!! yes, that's right the number is 17.
I'm at my dad's now, will go for a bdae lunch. Then will have a bdae dinner with mummy. Wah, fatness.
Current read is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, damn captivating. I was a bit hesistant to open the book cos of all the bad publicity abt it. But i convinced myself to read it like I read Harry Potter and not let it move what little faith i currently have. Yepp, anw i'm halfway thru the book and i'm totally engrossed. So much so that i was reading it one day b4 my chinese AOs and thinking abt it DURING the friggin paper. Hope i get at least a B man!!!
I love my new phone.
Indian outing, swim with suilo (yay!), beach with CASB...lalalalala it's a good life. AND we're gonna have the pleasure of dumping that spastic money-faced ah-peh with sucha big ego (he's my tutor) and change!!! Woohoo, stupid guy, i laugh in ur face (behind ur back lar..i dun have so much guts.)
2:58 pm
Friday, October 28, 2005
Thank you,
GELINE LIM, you are the 2 of the GREATEST people in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, i got such a shock when gel came in and put the box she was carrying in front of me, saying "Happy Birthday". GOSH! *stunned* And what a yummy cake, it really was delicious. You guys really rock,
Then we went to PS and started looking arnd. So while gel was looking for some wedding gift, me and wai were secretly trying to think of a belated bdae prezzie for her. Damn funny, we had to be really discreet and it was so stupid!!! We even went to the extent of passing msgs on handphones under the gaps in the toilet cubicle lar!! Bought her a Forever Friends cup in the end, very cute. She better use it. Oh gosh, she's going back to NZ on the 2nd of november, SOBS!!! Must go club tgt when you next return haha!!!
Qizhu really is leaving to go poly. SOBS!! I really wanted to cry today cos it was so sad. Sigh, another friend gone..she better come for class outings. Will miss her so bad.
I.T.E (no, not the school) outing on Nov 2!!! We can go serangoon and buy
saris!! CAn't wait...KboX!!! We are so mad.
6:43 pm
Monday, October 24, 2005
Just say it lar, don't be jealous :):)
Anw realised that all my blogskins are BLACK. It's just that all the nice ones are black...i'm not particularly into the colour.
Why are there so many new webbies to join?? So pissed alr. First there was friendster, then there's Zebo and an Alpha dunno wad. Now there's an iAlmond?! WTF. And why must all new things start with an "i"?? Big fat COPYCATS of the iPod only, hmph. For that, i refuse to join.
i can't believe i have AO levels to do. come on, i thot it was over? ARGH, friggin annoying.
Watched a damn funny show on sat, "The Man" HAHAHAHA was so vulgar!! can't believe my dad let me watch it. Dog is having her period. Again. Gee.
Mummy really bought me a new phone!!! LOVE HER TO HER CORE. And she gets to upgrade her's in abt a month, so we'll all have new phones ;):)
1:39 am
Friday, October 21, 2005
aiyar so wanna change the blogskin now. got nuttin to hide anymore. let's bitch freely:
1) WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR BRAIN?? wait, do u even have one? i mean, can't u see that it's not going to work arghhhh...pple are alr so against u and u wanna add on to it. Oh brilliant plan!! I tell you in all seriousness-- being sticky won't work and ur an idiot.
2) wake up wake up!! nonono don't go out with that hag, please..u deserve better.
3) wake up wake up!! nonono don't go out with that jerk, please..u deserve better. oh n happy bdae :)
4) pardon? did i just hear that ur getting EXPELLED? oh that's fantastic news!! i just found out that noone likes you either but ur skin's too thick to realise it. Shoo. can't believe u waste ur life like that. Don't you even think abt your parents and how much they want you to succeed?
5) HAHAHAHAHA bet u got the shock of ur life when my mum (i love you, mummy) called you up heh? You money-minded freak, see la, bug me till i can't be bothered to defend/help you anymore. Oh well, good riddance!!
Okay that's all for my bitch-a-minute session for the day. Anw today was Kbox day, haha my 1st ever. Okay lar not too used to singing into a mike, so ended up not singing too much. NEXT TIME I WILL HOG THE MIKE. Wah that guy (forgot the name) was shiok siaxxx...sings robbie williams and taufik like no other. *takes my hat off* Came out of the place smelling of smoke..ewww.
I'm feeling a bit bummed abt getting a rather low me i mean. I expect more than that. I don't wanna complain in school cos i know there are pple who fared worse than me, so i probably dun haf a right to say much in their face. ARGH, but my dad is really gg to hack me into tiny pieces. Why doesn't he know i'm beating myself up inside already??
i love my mum!!! she's getting me a new phone...i love you to the core!! I mean, with or without the phone, i'd still love you to the core but you've just really made my day. I L.O.V.E U!!
Tired now. Pia-ed PW the entire week till 8+ at Steph's. i will go off now. Anw i hope he'll open up his eyes and see that she'll make a better choice for him, i seriously think she's so much nicer. I'd hang out with her anyday.
11:39 pm
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Beach is good. Beach is fun. P----- is not.
Must go again when it's not anywhere near so can fully enjoy. Bloody hot out there and the water looked so good..guess what, the friggin idiots just totally swam out and pang-sehed me on the sand!! WTH!! Then we forgot to bring so much radio, no mat, no CAMERA. pandified!!
Begum was totally trying to hide from the sun under a FACE TOWEL (huh??) and i think me and xy were the only 2 who got SLIGHTLY burnt. Am a bit red now goodgood. Have a headache now shitshit.
Didnt turn up for Open House (sorry) and damn it, didnt get a shoe bag! ARGH!! hopefully next year?? tsk.
Am reading Harry Potter books one after another and i'm halfway thru the latest one. And then the movie's gonna come out, see i plan it so well :):) Xy will get us tix for it? Haha dun push it huh.
YAY!! so all's well and we're good. Great great great! and yay i'm gg to get promoted whee!! Can't believe school year is ending alr, seems so fast...
12:02 am
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
ARGGGHHHH!! Fuck el cheapo!! Must he be so petty abt $6.50?! Can't he wait till next week to get it?????????? Never have i seen such a petty, short, mumbling cheapskate ah-peh lookalike in my entire 16.5 years of life. You know i had to go all the way to his house today, just to put a 5-buck note and 2 coins in an envelope into his mailbox...HULLOooO?! I was fuming on the bus, man.School was quite funny today. It was pretty cool with a band playing latino music. Seriously funkay! And the congo player looked so charming :):) Haha, when he made the audience clap, i clapped the longest for him!! How sweet of me. Gosh then the music awards. i want to laugh now. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA!! But i applaud them for their courage and (for some) their talent...wah the Wu Ding girl was sooo good. I think better than that Genie or wadever her name is. FA---> pukes. I think the worst was DICK..looked deranged. Prob thinks he was damn cool. and i saw this group of guys jeering:):)First class outing: watched The Myth..nice!!! i almost cried when all the soldiers wanted to follow the general into battle, risking life to fight for their general. Wahhh..the loyalty moved me!! ans when the horse was struggling to fight for its rider..ahhhhh how faithful!! Aiyar dun say le, u go watch urself hurhur.
6:46 pm
Sunday, October 09, 2005
i'm sooooooooooooooo tired.was tired when i woke up and REALLY wanted to not play today, but i missed the game and friends. got forced outta bed at 1030 cos ling called and i sorta wanted to murder for waking me up lar...just to discuss where to have the gang-dinner. WTH!! anything lar!!!! haha, anw i miss seeing all of you. NOONE else can talk sick like we do.then met at TCC to play bad...HAHA this is so stupid, i think we just pissed off the entire place lar! wah, and thank God i didnt see FA there..i would have died on the spot. And thanks to all the 'coaches'!! GCB plays DAMN well (so malu) and i shot a 3-pointer!!! *proud:)* oh let's just mention dat muthusamy scored like 5 times MORE. and mustafa and rebecca did 15 times. THANKS.guess what. spend the entire day there and i'm SOOOOO tired. worse than ever, aiyar dunno wad's up with that. need to sleep it off!oh shucks i just saw the grossest photo in the world, yuckyuckyuck. *pukes a million times* YES it's a pic of FA. stupid friendster. oh and gosh, jihong's sister is so chio! hahaa i'm oogling like mad at her.i wanna zao alr, eyes can't take it no more.
1:55 am
Friday, October 07, 2005
exams are OVER!! survived yet again i can't wait to spent my life going out :):):) Baddy and beach!!! ohhhhhhh sweet freedom..
Anyway, seems like i'm the first outta the 5 CASB to have finished exams so must wait PATIENTLY for them to be done before hitting East Coast. i'll wait, i'll wait, i've got time muahaha. Anw, the group blog is cool and i love it!! Wonder if the 6th person will join us tho...i HOPE SO!!
Sigh. I wonder if complete avoidance is possible.
7:13 pm